Access & Opening Times

Our official opening hours are from 9am to 6pm from Monday to Friday. During those hours you can be sure that the TLR team will be here for you at the reception desk and the space will be open. Keep in mind that our space is closed on most public holidays. In case of doubt, you can always check Google Maps for the most up to date information on our opening times.

You’ll find the main entrance of our space in Calle Barroso 15. During opening times, just ring the white door bell and one of our amazing community managers will open up for you. As an ongoing member, we’ll give you access to our space with your fingerprint. Don’t worry, the fingerprint reader is not online and won’t send your data to the CIA or FBI, nor won’t it track your presence. The only thing it does is open the door for you as long as your fingerprint is registered on the device.

Many of our members, who already have 24/7 access, arrive a bit earlier or even stay longer. To keep our space secure we have an alarm system and a key-operated rolling shutter, which will hide the fingerprint reader when locked. After the first member has opened the shutter and deactivated the alarm, anybody else can get in using their registered fingerprint. The other way around, the last member with a key will activate the alarm and lock the shutter at the end of the day. You’re always welcome to be around as long as somebody else with a key is already or still around. Just let others know that you do not have a key yet, so you don’t get locked in at the end of the day.

Yes. We grant 24/7 access after one month of membership, in case you need it. Don’t take it personally, but it’s our kind of security policy to keep our community and our space safe. One month will give us enough time to get to know each other first and build up trust before we hand out keys and codes for you to enter the space 24/7.

No. The TLR team takes time to rest on weekends and most public holidays. In case of doubt, you can always check Google Maps for the most up to date information on our opening times. Check the info above on 24/7 access should you need access to TLR on weekends and public holidays.

Community Events

We are sorry to say, but no. Events are our way of building a strong, tight-knit coworking community, where members build honest and long-lasting connections. We are afraid that opening up our events to the general public could water down the strength of our community. Having said that, you could always consider our Friend subscription to join the TLR Family and get access to community events and activities that way.

At TLR Coworking community events are our bread and butter. Whether it’s Meet The Family gatherings welcoming new members, inspiring Thank God It’s Fridays, life-changing Business Breakfasts, chilled beach volleyball matches, chatty after work drinks or fun outdoors activities, we promise you won’t get bored. For an in-depth overview of our events and a gallery of recent talks at TLR, check out our dedicated events page.

Apart from the events we directly organise, there are uncountable activities going on that are often suggested and organised by our members. Soccer matches, ping pong tournaments, river hikes, Halloween parties, Christmas dinners, poker nights, pub quizzes, salsa classes, … you know what? Instead of continuing this list, it’ll be easiest, if you don’t take our word for it, but simply come over and experience the TLR community spirit for yourself!

Of course, family and friends are always welcome at our community events. Your partner, your kids, your dog, … whoever you’d love to share the TLR spirit with will be received with open arms. However, let’s simply keep it at a +1 or two per occasion as bringing an entire group or friends of friends would water down the powerful community building effects of our events and activities.

Generally speaking, we do not rent any of TLR’s premises for external meetups or events. Following our mission of building a tight-knit coworking community, we want to avoid such activities clash with the community life in the space. Having said that, we do support our members in their business or networking endeavours. On a case -by-case basis we are happy to look for ways to support our active members in case they want to use TLR to organise a meetup or event in our space.

We’re afraid that we don’t have capacity to host big groups. Coming over with a small team of up to 4 people, depending on availability, is an option, but any groups bigger than that are hard to cater for at TLR Coworking, where we mainly work with freelancers, entrepreneurs and digital nomads.


Relax. We wouldn’t dare call ourselves a coworking space, if we had no free coffee. Actually, we have the best. Our friends at the near-by roaster and coffee shop Santa Coffee provide us with delicious full-grain Colombian beans. We promise to give you a barista crash course, so you can make as much coffee as your body needs with our professional espresso machine.

Totally. All of our hot desks are equipped with external monitors at no extra charge. Whether you have a flexible monthly subscription or are just here for the day or week, you can count on an HDMI or USB-C cable to hook up your laptop to an external monitor for the best possible productivity and ergonomic posture.

Heads-up: Fixed desks don’t come with a monitor. If you’re just visiting for a month or so, we can always sort out a monitor for you, but if you move into a fixed desk for the foreseeable future, we’d like you to bring your own equipment.

No. We’re sorry, but you’ll have to bring your own laptop. We go as far as external monitors. At times we even have the occasional keyboard, mouse and all sorts of adapters or cables lying around, which you can borrow from us, but we do not have computers or laptops for rent. Do a search for “locutorio” on Google Maps to find cyber cafes, where you should have the chance to use a computer without bringing your own.
TLR Coworking is equipped with a strong WiFi network powered by two individual Internet lines backing each other up. Both lines provide an up- and download speed of 1 GBit. Thanks to the innovative mesh technology, our access points smartly hand over your connection and keep it stable even when you move through the coworking space.

Yes. You can totally work from our shaded rooftop terrace, as you can count on both WiFi coverage and plugs. Just be nice and don’t make your colleagues, who see you on Zoom, too jealous, ok?

No. Depending on your subscription you have access to different areas of our coworking space. Most importantly our hot desks are numbered and can be booked through our TLR Family App. Especially if you’re in love with a specific desk or area, you want to make your booking before you come in to enjoy your day to the fullest.

Yes. Even though we prefer to think of TLR as a safe space, where trust is the local currency, we do understand that you might want to secure some of your most precious items. As long as there is availability, at no extra charge, we can sort out a locker for you.

Yes. As long as you choose one of our subscriptions, which include the virtual office service (All Star, Roadtripper, Boomerang, Teleporter, Team Base), you can use our address as your company address. As a business owner, you’ll understand that there are binding legal conditions we need to consider. We’ll share those details with you in the subscription agreement, which we’ll ask you to accept when you sign up.

Of course! As long as you have any active subscription, the TLR team will receive and store mail and parcels for you. Details on the amount of items, storage duration and forwarding options are outlined in the subscription agreement, which we’ll ask you to accept when you sign up.
No. We’re sorry to say, but none of our subscriptions nor the included hours or services are transferable to anybody else.

We don’t have parking spaces of our own at TLR Coworking, but we can recommend a few good options to park in the area:

  • Zona Azúl in Soho: In the Soho neighbourhood, where TLR is located, parking on the street is limited and you have to be very lucky to find a spot. All streets are classified as Zona Azúl (blue zone), which means you have to pay at the machine first and then can stay for up to a maximum of 2 hours. Not a great option to come for a full day to TLR, so let’s hop to the next.
  • Parkigrund: This car park is just a 1 minute walk away, but also the most expensive option. It’s ok, if you stay for an hour or two, but if it’s for longer, we’d recommend you to keep reading.
  • Parking Salitre: This car park is run by the municipality and is slightly cheaper than Parkigrund. It’s about a 5 minute walk to TLR. Some of us have a monthly subscription there and use it every day.
  • Plot next to Parque Huelín: This is the typical huge plot, where you can park and a guard asks for a charity contribution of 1€ for the entire day. It’s a great option, if you stay in Málaga for the day and don’t mind a bit of a walk. Depending on your step length or velocity, it’s between 15 – 20 minutes to get to the coworking space.
Yes. Whilst some members are away on vacation during the summer months, for others our A/C is often the reason to upgrade their subscription and cut down their electricity bills. During the “cold” winter months in Málaga, our heating keeps you productive and avoids shivering fingers mistyping your emails.
Yes. We’ve got a black & white printer at TLR Coworking, which you’ll find in our network and prints your documents in A4. Should you need colour printouts, the TLR team can print those for you at our reception. As long as you don’t print the Bible, Quran, Bhagavad Gita or any other long documents on a daily basis, printouts at TLR are free of charge.
Yes! As long as your dog listens to you, gets along with adults, kids and other dogs, doesn’t bark unnecessarily and does its business outside, it is more than welcome to brighten up the mood at TLR Coworking.
Oh yes, please do! Enjoying a good meal together is the essence of any community-based coworking space. It’s no different at TLR Coworking! In our spacious kitchen you’ll find a community fridge to store your food, microwaves to heat it up and loads of plates, bowls and cutlery. This experience can only be beaten by taking the elevator upstairs and enjoying your food in great company on our sunny rooftop terrace.

Yes, of course. For both, yourself and ourselves, we think it’s best to meet in-person first to make sure it’s a match. That’s why we encourage anyone, who is considering a monthly subscription at TLR, to book a free trial day.

Yes, but it depends on what for. A bit further up we discussed having family and friends join you for events or business partners and customers come in for a meeting. The only limitation kicks in, when your guest stays around to work at TLR Coworking. In that case she or he would need to purchase one of our day passes.

Phone Booths & Meeting Rooms

We have 1 meeting room with a capacity of 4 people. Keep in mind that we do not rent our meeting room. It’s really only meant for our members with a valid monthly subscription, day or week pass and is free of charge.

The space doesn’t need to feel like a library, but we also don’t want it to turn into a call centre. Quick and quiet calls are totally fine to be taken from your desk, but for scheduled or longer-lasting conversation please book the meeting room at no additional fee, pop into a phone booth free of charge or move into our lounge or up to the shaded rooftop terrace. In the end, it’s a matter of common sense: We do want everybody to feel comfortable in the space, whether they need to speak or work with laser-focus on a specific task. As long as you keep that in mind, everything will be fine.

All of our subscriptions (except the Sunshine, which gives you access to our community areas only) and even day or week passes come with access to our meeting room free of charge. As an ongoing member, you can make your bookings through our TLR Family App. If you’re visiting us on a day or week pass, stop by at the reception desk and we’ll check availability and make a booking for you.

In total we have 5 phone booths with noise-cancellation, ventilation, a bar to put your laptop on and a comfortable stool. You choose whether you rather sit down or use the opportunity to work standing for a while.

No; first come, first served. Whenever you have a call or video conference you can simply pop into any available phone booth. It would be great, if you could use the phone booths really only for the duration of your meeting though. Please do not convert them into a mini private office by staying in there forever.

There is no defined limit for you to use our phone booths and meeting room free of charge. However we do want everyone to be able to use those spaces, when they need them. Let’s apply common sense by respecting the start and end time of your booking and do not camp unnecessarily in phone booths or the meeting room beyond the duration of your call or meeting.

Yes, although not short-term with a minimum duration of the current month plus the following month. Check out all details about our Team Base subscription, if you’re looking to locate your team of up to 4 people at TLR Coworking.

Yes! Besides all the fun, everybody comes into TLR to get work done and sometimes in-person meetings help to really move things forward. Whenever you invite guests into TLR Coworking for a meeting, you’re in charge of making them feel welcome and acting respectfully towards the culture we have at TLR.


Once you’ve decided to join TLR Coworking, most often after a productive free trial day in our space, you can join on any weekday. For most subscriptions, in case you do not join at the beginning of the month, we will prorate your first invoice from your first day until the end of the current month and then charge you on a monthly basis always on the 1st of the month. Keep in mind that all monthly subscriptions come with a minimum duration of 1 month. Should you only stay for 1 month and join on any day not being the 1st, we would charge you for 1 full month from your start date until the same date next month.

Of course. As long as your subscription gets paid for, we don’t mind who does. Unless it’s an off-shore shell company laundering money. Kidding aside; we will issue your invoice with the billing details you indicate upon sign up. This can be yourself, your company or your employer’s company. If needed, we can also send up a separate billing contact, for invoice to be sent directly to your company’s expense department.

Unfortunately not. We’ve looked into VAT reverse charge multiple times as many of our customers are registered outside of Spain. Nevertheless, our accountants always come back with the same response: The European law on VAT reverse charge applies only to virtual interactions between countries. Services that are consumed on local territory, like yourself coming physically into our coworking space, need to be invoiced including local VAT. Depending on your local regulations you can probably claim those taxes back. Maybe a great question to forward to your own accountant. Sorry we can’t make life easier, or better said cheaper for you in this case.

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