Northplay at The Living Room Coworking


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Northplay bring together a small passionate team of highly specialised individuals making unique digital products that entertain. Northplay make games and gamified content for multiple platforms, where building fun and addictive experiences is a key to unlocking entirely new ways of engaging with gamers around the world. In other words:  Northplay are experts in fun.

Here are the Northplay talents working at The Living Room Coworking:

Ulrik at The Living Room Coworking

Ulrik is a programmer at Northplay in Copenhagen, previously at Robocat. He acted as a lead developer on a number of big iOS projects over 7 years, now mostly doing game development in Unity 3D. Lately Ulrik was a programmer and game designer on the award-winning mobile game Conduct THIS! with more than 2 million downloads.

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