Mastering Habit Formation: Insights from a recent TLR event

22nd February 2024
Betsy Reed speaking about habit setting at TLR

Each month, TLR hosts a Thank God It’s Friday (TGIF) event, a chance for members to share their unique stories. The most recent TGIF featured a captivating talk about habit setting by our dear Betsy, who helped attendees determine their desired habits and make a plan to keep them.

Our latest TGIF kicked off with a startling statistic: a staggering 80% of people fail to uphold their New Year’s resolutions. 

While this figure may be disheartening, and one would be forgiven for throwing their hands to the air and resolving to never make another resolution ever again, there is a beacon of hope – a method for success when it comes to habit formation. 

On the night, our speaker Betsy illuminated the audience with the revelation that there is indeed a science behind habit-setting. Drawing from sources like ‘Atomic Habits’ and various experts, she unveiled the fundamental elements of habit formation: cue, craving, response, and reward.

A great turnout at TLR for Betsy’s amazing TGIF talk! Pic: Sam Watkins
A great turnout at TLR for Betsy’s amazing TGIF talk! Pic: Sam Watkins

To exemplify this concept, Betsy likened habitual smartphone checking to a structured habit loop. Your phone’s notification serves as the cue, igniting a craving to check it, prompting the response of picking up the device, ultimately leading to the reward of a dopamine rush. 

By dissecting this process, Betsy empowered attendees to harness similar mechanisms in establishing positive habits – essentially hacking the system and making it work for you.

Our dear member Gabi taking in the concepts discussed on the night. Pic: Sam Watkins
Our dear member Gabi taking in the concepts discussed on the night. Pic: Sam Watkins

Practical Application: Setting Tangible Habits

The informative start to the session then transitioned into practical exercises. Betsy inviting attendees to introspect on aspects of their lives that they wished to improve. Through engaging discussions and self-reflection, participants identified areas of concern, ranging from work-life balance to environmental consciousness.

Betsy guided individuals in crafting actionable habits tailored to their unique circumstances. From creating transition rituals to enhance work-life balance to committing to regular exercise with a friend for mutual accountability, the possibilities were endless. 

Attendees were encouraged to select a cue, identify their craving, determine a suitable response, and define a tangible reward to solidify their newfound habits.

TLR Family member Joanna asking Betsy a question about habit setting. Pic: Sam Watkins
TLR Family member Joanna asking Betsy a question about habit setting. Pic: Sam Watkins

Cultivating Community Accountability

A striking aspect of the session was the emphasis on communal support and accountability.

Betsy highlighted the importance of sharing goals and progress within the TLR community, leveraging collective encouragement to bolster individual commitment.

Attendees enthusiastically exchanged insights, from scheduling language classes to implementing daily gratitude practices.

Our member Inma asking a question about habit setting
Our member Inma making people smile as usual! Pic: Sam Watkins

Embracing Accountability and Celebrating Progress

As the event drew to a close, participants embraced their newfound habits with a sense of optimism and determination. Betsy underscored the significance of celebrating even the smallest victories along the habit-setting journey. 

From setting up regular check-ins with accountability partners to incorporating tangible rewards like spa days or financial incentives, attendees left equipped with practical strategies for habit maintenance.

A well-deserved round of applause for Betsy! Pic: Sam Watkins
A well-deserved round of applause for Betsy! Pic: Sam Watkins

Conclusion: Empowered for Habitual Success

In retrospect, Betsy’s enlightening session at TLR illuminated the intricate yet navigable path towards habit formation. Armed with newfound knowledge and a supportive community, attendees departed with a renewed sense of purpose and determination. 

As they embark on their habitual journeys, one cue, craving, response, and reward at a time, the TLR community stands united in their pursuit of positive change and personal growth.


About Betsy

Betsy Reed


Betsy’s driving passion is to empower others to live happier lives and have a positive impact. 

She’s worked in most sectors and on five continents over the course of her nearly 20-year career as a sustainability generalist. 

These days Betsy coaches leaders to have a conscious focus on sustainable cultures and impact.

Betsy has been a TLR Family member since September 2023. You can learn more about Betsy on her website


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