Up for a new and cheap way of travelling?

25th July 2017
Mari Carmen Travelling The Living Room International Coworking Málaga

Have you ever imagined the story of the people you cross in the street? Have you stopped for a minute to understand the happy or unfriendly face of the person, who you just spoke to?

Many times we are walking on auto-pilot with our brain in our things and when suddenly something distracts us from our thoughts, we define that situation depending on our mood and our mental map. But what if somebody showed us, that something absolutely logic for us is not as logic as we thought? What if we are looking around with an incomplete map?

Don’t worry, we all do and maybe that’s the fun of personal relations. That is what makes us grow when we mix up with other people of different cultures and different life styles as we do here at The Living Room. The important thing is to remember that we all have a different map and no matter how crazy one appears to us, it could be understandable in a way, if we get deep into the story behind.

For those who love travelling, it is not always necessary to get a plane or a bus to a new world, sometimes it is just enough to jump onto and understand somebody else’s map.

If you think of this, maybe next time you pass by someone speaking to you in a “funny” way, look around and ask yourself, what face am I showing today? Try to understand the other person’s map, which is for sure a good way of turning a bad situation upside down!

Keep travelling and learning from the new maps you pass by!

I want to leave you with a short movie that might invite you to adjust a little bit your own map. Are you up for the challenge?

Coworker Mari Carmen The Living Room Málaga

Mari Carmen Ampiée Vigil, starring in the above short movie as Isabel, worked for 20 years as a Senior Private Banker and Senior Personal Banking Adviser, until something totally unexpected encouraged her to change the course of her career. Mari Carmen now does her bit for art combining her great passion with the advice and transmission of those tools and knowledge acquired during her banking and business career to creatives and artists of all disciplines. So that they can live from their art in a profitable way more and more, and we can properly understand and value all the hard work that lies behind artistic careers. Since starting her new entrepreneurial journey Mari Carmen is an important member of The Living Room and our one and only in-house actress.

8 Responses

  1. The article was beautifully written by such a talented writer – Mari Carmen, whom I personally know, a big hearted individual too. I reckon every sentiments that were highlighted in the article in our day-to-day experiences with others’ maps. OLVIDO! I love the short movie, it’s so meaningful and deserve a well applaud credit! Una hermosa pieza de trabajo! -Your dear friend, Diana Melissa from Singapore.

    1. Wow Diana, thank you very much. I know you really mean it. I enjoyed very much visiting your map, I found many new and good things and you know you totally changed some of my schemes!, ha, ha. I hope we can share our maps for very long time. Love, MC

  2. Felicidades por tu “renacimiento”, demuestra valentía y un empuje, que seguro te llevará a descubrir todos los mapas que desees..geográficos y personales..Enhorabuena!! 🙂

    1. Gracias guapa, ¡¡sigamos viajando!!. Me alegro de haberte conocido en este nuevo viaje que he emprendido. Un fuerte abrazo

  3. El corto es un poco triste, pero el artículo nos llena de esperanza, podemos evitar que la gente se sienta sola aunque no cambiemos su situación. Besos ???? y a seguir creando.

    1. Gracias amigota, a ti más que escribirte me apetecería darte un abrazo enorme. Espero poder hacerlo pronto y celebrar juntas que estás totalmente recuperada y con esa gran sonrisa que te caracteriza de nuevo en tu cara. Aunque conociéndote, seguro que sonríes hasta cuando no tienes ganas y sigues alegrando a todos a tu alrededor. Eres grande amiga, y te admiro por eso. Un abrazo enorme

  4. Querida Mari Carmen, me encanta lo que escribes (y lo bien que lo haces en Inglés!!!), con éste toque de dulce toma de consciencia que anima a otros a reflexionar… también me gustó la micro película… cuantos distintos mapas interiores hay sin conocer, por descubrir… a veces me asusta, son tantos… aunque bien es cierto que la vida nos pone por delante los que son afines a nosotros, nuestros espejos con tal de ayudarnos a delinear el propio, el personal. Yo estoy en ésta tarea desde hace tiempo y me encanta… estoy descubriendo el genio que hay en cada uno de nosotros… Jajaja…Anda, mi hijo acaba de terminar la carrera de geógrafo… que extraña sincronicidad!
    We are all ONE, and we only need, here and now, to look junto in front of us to see our reflection to understand our inner space. We can travel outside as well as inside.

    1. Muchas gracias Sylvie, la verdad es que has sido una de las personas que ha movido mi mapa al conocerte. Es siempre interesante conocer otros puntos de vista sobre los que nunca habías pensado y explicados de una forma tan dulce. Un fuerte abrazo, espero que volvamos a coincidir pronto